Hi all!
Welcome to our first of many revamped Kill Team Championship Leagues!
You can look forward to an exciting and fast-paced event.
You’ll be playing a minimum of 6 games over 6 weeks with like-minded Kill Team commanders based around your schedule.
If you are strong enough, you and the top 8 players will be invited to a Play-off Day to determine our first Kill Team League Champion!
You are given 6 other League members’ contact information.
You must play those 6 league members at your leisure over the 6 weeks of the league. Our advice is to play one game a week but you can play them whenever works between you and your opponent. If over six weeks you and your opponent cannot find a time please contact us and we can attempt to assist/assign you a new opponent.
We take your top 5 scores.
The Top 8 will be invited to a Play-off Day – the Saturday or Sunday of the 7th week to play a single elimination Play-offs to determine our League Champion!
List and Mission Information:
The day before the League begins you will submit and lock in your Kill Team. If a new Balance update is released during the event, all members will be able to revise their list once before their next game.
All current rules will be in place immediately including dataslates and FAQs.
If you have questions in regards to rules questions please contact the Organizer ahead of time.
You will use Standard Approved Ops rules. You can play on Gallowdark / Volkus or Octarius maps, please see the link below for approved layouts:
Cost and Prizes:
$20 Entry fee to join, and all entry fees will be returned in Prizing! Prizes awarded in Gift Cards. You can choose to join the League in multiple instances to play multiple Kill Teams!
Prizes will be given for:
League Champion
Best in Imperium / Xenos / Chaos
Also awards for Best Painted, Best Dressed, and Most Unique List respectively!
To be considered for these awards, get a photo of your submission at Game Knight to be posted on our socials!
Either Register in-store or by contacting dan@gameknightleagues.com
The league will take sign ups until Sunday Feb 9th and the first day of the League will be Monday Feb 10th.
So what are you waiting for! Come get some amazing Kill Team games in at Game Knight, meet our incredible community, and compete to be the Game Knight Kill Team League Champion!