Judgement Tournament

Judgement Tournament

Details: 3v3 veto games (players bring 5 models, opponents veto one and then the player picks 3 from their remaining 4). Missions TBD. Cost: 20$ Prizing: Random draw, but every soul bound or banked gets you an additional entry in the draw!
Altered Constructed Singles Tournament

Altered Constructed Singles Tournament

This is a constructed tournament for the Altered TCG, by Equinox. We will be using best-of-three format. The number of rounds and prizing will depend the number of players, but we will be returning 100% of ticket revenue as prizing for the event. Tickets are 20$ and...
Spearhead Tournament

Spearhead Tournament

This is a 3 round Spearhead Tournament using Warhammer AoS Spearhead rules. 32 player cap. NOTE: This event is registered on BCP. You can sign up via BCP or by EMTing 20$ to admin@gameknightleagues.com Alternatively, tickets can be purchased via EMT to...
A Song of Ice and Fire Tournament

A Song of Ice and Fire Tournament

3 Rounds, 40 points, 2-list format This is our first official ASOIAF tournament! We will be following the guidelines as issued for Season 5 online, and will give players the option of bringing a 2nd army list. All lists must be brought to the tournament official...
Judgement Eternal Champions

Judgement Eternal Champions

This is our first Judgement Eternals Champion tournament! It is free to join, and will consist of three rounds. Each opponent will face off against one other opponent using the 3v3 Veto Format (bring 5 heroes, of which your opponent will Veto 2).