Wurmspat WIP
Since we’ve got a bit more free time than usual with the COVID-19 “social distancing” efforts in full effect, I decided to make the most of it and work on painting one of my favorite Underworlds warbands – The Wurmspat!
I’ve always loved Nurgle – I have a huge Deathguard army in 40k, a Nurgle Daemon army in AoS (and 40k?) and I even truescaled some plague marines back in the day. So when the Wurmspat were announced, I couldn’t wait to get my hands on them.
I converted Sepsemus a bit – The original model is holding a strap of severed heads – Cool, sure, but I wanted him to look a bit more durable and defensive, so I swapped that arm for a shield bearing arm from the Blight Kings AoS box. I also put them on custom bases, instead of the bases they were supplied with. The stock bases are actually pretty nice, the only reason I changed them is because I wanted to add a bit more of a personal touch and I had a cool swamp theme I wanted to do.
Check out the WIP pics – I started with a three tone airbrush basecoat and then did an oil wash for weathering.
Monday : 6 pm - 11 pm
Tuesday : 6 pm - 11 pm
Wednesday : 6 pm - 11 pm
Thursday : 6 pm - 11 pm
Friday : 6 pm - 1 am
Saturday : 1 pm - 1 am
Sunday : 1 pm - 11 pm
38 Adelaide St N
Unit 2A
London, Ontario
N6B 3N5